Pallivikash, a non-profit organization presently, working in Action research, advocacy and field projects relating to local self governance and promoting community based natural resource management systems and processes, forest based livelihood (NTFPs and SAP Marketing and enterprise development). For the last 4 years, Pallivikash has been working with economically poor socially marginalized women and farmers to help their foster their entrepreneurial spirit and to turn potential into profit through enterprise development. Since its inception in 2006, the organization has been started his paths on products based enterprise development through marginalized community based institution both in agriculture/NTFPs and Non farm sector. The organization concentrates most of its activities in undivided Kalahandi district of Odisha .
Read MorePALLIVIKASH visualizes a Just and self-reliant society where vikash of ( socio-economic and political development ) community at large so as to all the members enjoy equal opportunities, rights, justice and participate for democratic decision making to resolve the issues of the society....
Read MoreEmpowering the vulnerable poor and marginalized communities for their rights of the over resources, opportunities, institutions and processes for improving their living standards, reduce their vulnerability and contribute to overall sustainable....
Read MoreTo undertake special programme for development of women and children with emphasis on emancipation, empowerment, their enhancement from secondary status, reproductive health, rehabilitation in the society, skill development for employment etc....
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a substantial downturn in the economic circumstances of numerous individuals and households. The government also want to increase th..
The outbreak of covid-19 has changed the condition of people. It has affected both the living an non-living world. Covid-19 is an airborne disease which generally contami..
In our daily life nutritional food are essential as they are an important component of food. The main source of nutritional food is green vegetables. They are necessary ..
India is an agriculture based country, where most of the citizens depend on farming for their livelihood. For agriculture along with the agriculture inputs land also play..
Development of quality planting is highly essential for successful vegetable cultivation. During the pandemic situation of covid-19 many rural people struggled hard to me..
The organization also provided vegetable cultivation training as well as good varieties of seed support to the selected farmers of Khariar block through farmers clubs. ..
The organization has organized several meeting and community mobilization initiatives in operational area of Boden Block to adopt agronomic practice that is system of Mil..
Crop Cutting of finger Millet The organization has conducted crop cutting of finger millet and little millet to know the yield status of Boden Block. The yield per acre ..
The organization has conducted 10 no. of different training programme on agronomic practices like System of Millet Intensification, seed conservation and manage..
Finger millet is well comparable and even superior to many cereals in terms of mineral and micronutrient contents. Its major use as food has remained only in the area wh..
The organization has conducted 10 no. of different training programme on agronomic practices like System of Millet Intensification, seed conservation ..
Lac, a natural polymer (resin) is produced by a tiny insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr), which is purposely cultured on shoots of several species of trees..
The organization has organized several meeting and community mobilization initiatives in operational area of Boden Block to adopt agronomic practice t..
We established PALLIVIKASH in 2005 in our quest to find effective ways to solve the persistent problems faced in the livelihoods of economically marginalized communities and working at grassroots level by putting its humble efforts to strengthen small holder farmers on adopting sustainable agronomic practices, value chain management, nurture the soil, increase crop-diversity and yield and consumption of diverse food crops. The organization has focused on natural farming practices in the operational area of Boden Block through small and marginal farmers and planned to make fertilizer and pesticide free village. The organization has been working since last three year on Special Project for Promotion of Millet in Boden Block of Nuapada district in the partnership of ATMA, Nuapad Government of Odisha and WASSAN one of the leading organization in India. The objective of the project is millet cultivation, consumption, commercialization and inclusion in government programme. The imitative has been started during the reporting year.
Livestock is one of another source of livelihood for small and marginal farers and the organization has started worked on strengthening farmer’s institution. It is sources that can double the income of farmers. Like that , collective procurement and trading of NTFPs, value addition and processing and marketing which helped to forest dwellers and landless people on livelihood promotion, increase food and nutrition value. As per of holistic livelihoods intervention.
Suresh Kumar Raut
( Secretary )
PALLIVIKASH is a civil society organization working Odisha, India. Major focus is enhancing the food, nutrition and livelihoods security of poor farmers, tribal, NTFPs collectors and vulnerable communities. Empowering the above targeted communities through promotion and strengthening local self governing institutions like CBOs /farmer’s producer company is core ethic of activities in undivided.